
i only listen to Soundgarden and Him while designing, i started taking inspiration from their songs in all my covers and this has become scary


tbh, making this kind of announcement tires me. If you follow my graphic shop, you probably know that a few days ago i designed a cover called "all shades of us".The owner of the cover( @deliriosdecristal ) started using the cover. However, a few days later, i learned that this author had sent requests for the same book to more than one person other than me.You know, this is very disrespectful to me and of course to other designers. And it's completely against the rules.I sent the author a message about what she did was wrong and told her to stop using my cover, but i think she either doesn't want to look at the message or ignores me? But idrc whether she looks at my message or not, because after all, she has no way to defend herself.
          The reason for making this announcement is mostly related to the cover I made for the author. If any of you are writing fiction related to Resident Evil, I'll leave the link to the cover below. i can edit it according to the name of your book and give you the cover. Before doing this, please visit my graphics shop and read the rules!


@-SNIVYNYX Yes, I've already talked to other designers, now it's up to them what to do :"


( @PittieLau ) i experienced this on my skin and i know how it sucks :/ i'm so sorry, i hope it will end well! idk if you already did it, but you should try to contact the other designers and tell them so that you can all ask to this person what they intend to do


@PittieLau |  that's a beautiful cover, it's so sad to see them disrespecting you and your hard work like that..