
I'm going to Nuzlocke the Pokemans X as well as Pokemans Esmeralda


Hi, this is me.
          So I've wiped the slate clean, and am going for a new schedule. I'm starting high school next year, and my school makes me busy as I prep for that, so I am going to be worrying about school, burning my free time down to my weekends, which are gobbled up by YouTube. So, I'm going for a new approach. I will update as often as possible, but only if I have more parts of a story in advance. Meaning, I will not update part 6 of Rainbow Sparkle an MLP fanfic unless I have part 11 done. I will have to forfiet my homework time (like I even use that anyways) so I can do this. I'm already failing-ish French and socials so I won't start updating or writing until around March. But until then, follow me on Twitter as @PixelBitYT