
So guys, I dyed my hair. I'll show you all the finished product when it's 100% finished, I'm not telling you what colors or how I did or how I did it, you guys will have to wait and see :) (ALSO THE PICTURE WILL BE UP ON ARIA'S INSTAGRAM.)


So guys, I dyed my hair. I'll show you all the finished product when it's 100% finished, I'm not telling you what colors or how I did or how I did it, you guys will have to wait and see :) (ALSO THE PICTURE WILL BE UP ON ARIA'S INSTAGRAM.)


You know what I want? I want a male internet friend. I don't have a ton of male friends so it would be cool to have someone of the opposite gender to talk to. But, u gotta have some requirements my dood. You have to be okay with me treating you like I would with any of my female friends (giving you weird ass nicknames like "beb", "boo", and "sis") bc I'm just weird like that. Also, you have to be okay with me fake-flirting, because that's a thing I do a lot with my other friends. Also dont FRIGGIN LEAVE ME ON OPENED ALL THE TIME AHHHH


Would it be creepy if I told you I was friends with a ghost? A few months ago I was in my room about to go to bed and in the corner of the room I saw a shadow-like figure. It also started moving around things on my desk. I haven't seen them in a long time but just last night I heard footsteps and noises in my kitchen, it wasn't any of my family because they were asleep with their doors closed. My ghost likes to turn off my music for me, and sometimes will turn on my lights or change the color of my LED lights. I still don't know it's name, does anyone know how to find out a ghost's name?


@Izuku_Deku_Midoria thank you, I willl keep that in mind :)


@PixelatedPan I have had my fair share of ghosts sometimes they talk and sometimes they keep quiet....the quiet ones will never tell there name unless threatened but as soon as that happens they leave because they cant trust you...Wait for the right time and Ask,The easier way can always be the last one to be thought of


@ErryneStorm oh, that makes sense. Thanks :)


Do you have anymore space to add a Lycan OC?


            I'm going to add Aria into my bio.


            Her name is Livianna, she's further down in my bio. I can tag you where I have her info if you want.


I'm now taking sign ups to be my ibf because I'm sad and lonely- :,)


            You want and ibf? I'll sign up!


@PixelatedPan Can I be both IRL and Internet best friend???


            I be your best fwen uwu