Halla tiz Lenora. I just want you to know if you still feel depressed I'm sorry. The people who bully are all the same , going for the same goal. To tear someone apart. I would say ignore it but that's very difficult. I may not be bullied as much as you but I know that feeling. You may feel as if nobody cares about you anymore , because of how much love has turned into hurt. I'm not sure if you'll see this message or not , but if you do please know that I do care. I care a lot. We may not talk much or do much with each other in general.. But I do care. A lot. So does Leah. Please don't hurt yourself on purpose. It's not good. It will get better but it can take a long time. Until then keep in touch with close friends when you feel really depressed , because we will do our best to try and help you. I promise.
Please read this as soon as you can,
~ Lenora