
Hey guys, Lena here. I've been updating a hella lot this weekend! I go to school tomorrow to finish up my finals (kill me) I have five to do. I might NOT UPDATE tomorrow, but after tomorrow, I am on Christmas Break so I will probably be constantly updating until I go back. I will most defiantly be updating "The Wait Game" and I am actually thinking about picking back up "Life Itself" instead of waiting on finishing my Markiplier fanfiction. If I don't, it is for the simple facts of my Markiplier stuff just does best. I am also thinking about REWRITING "We All Have Our Demons" completely. There are only a few chapters and I am FAR from happy with them, so I will most likely rewrite them to my liking. With that being said, that will probably be the last thing on my to do list with Wattpad so please be patient if you are one of my very few Supernatural fanfiction followers. I started off my account with Mark which means he will always be more common on this page and most likely the most popular as well, which I am totally okay with. Over the summer or during school, I will have to do something because I failed my Geometry final, causing me to fail the semester completely, which means I have to either take it as a summer class or do credit recovery so I can manage to get the credit for that class. During this time I will not be writing, for passing is extremely important and I apologize for this as well. I hope you guys are ready for the updates! I have a LOT in store for you all. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Thank you <3 and of course, I'll read you in the next chapter. Mwahhhh


Hey guys, Lena here. I've been updating a hella lot this weekend! I go to school tomorrow to finish up my finals (kill me) I have five to do. I might NOT UPDATE tomorrow, but after tomorrow, I am on Christmas Break so I will probably be constantly updating until I go back. I will most defiantly be updating "The Wait Game" and I am actually thinking about picking back up "Life Itself" instead of waiting on finishing my Markiplier fanfiction. If I don't, it is for the simple facts of my Markiplier stuff just does best. I am also thinking about REWRITING "We All Have Our Demons" completely. There are only a few chapters and I am FAR from happy with them, so I will most likely rewrite them to my liking. With that being said, that will probably be the last thing on my to do list with Wattpad so please be patient if you are one of my very few Supernatural fanfiction followers. I started off my account with Mark which means he will always be more common on this page and most likely the most popular as well, which I am totally okay with. Over the summer or during school, I will have to do something because I failed my Geometry final, causing me to fail the semester completely, which means I have to either take it as a summer class or do credit recovery so I can manage to get the credit for that class. During this time I will not be writing, for passing is extremely important and I apologize for this as well. I hope you guys are ready for the updates! I have a LOT in store for you all. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Thank you <3 and of course, I'll read you in the next chapter. Mwahhhh


Hey guys, Lena here. If my updates seem randomly generated, its because lately I've been hella busy so I haven't had much time to keep up with my stories. As my followers who have been around since the beginning and are still here know, my writing is usually done over the summertime and I don't write than paste. I write directly here, and if I find I don't like something, I change it before publishing the chapter, hints the errors in grammar, spelling, facts, etc. during the school year is normally my "break" from writing as I focus on school extremely hardcore, for I do plan on going to Julliard in my future. With that said, I hope I answered any questions and I hope you guys understand. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Thank you <3 and of course, I'll read you in the next chapter. Mwahhhh


Hey guys, Lena here. Sorry I haven't written anything. I started school, I went through a break up, AND got attacked my my "friend" so its been a rough first month. Thank you <3  and of course, I'll read you in the next chapter. Mwahhhh


Sorry I haven't updated... My depression got really bad because I lost all of my friends... they all pushed me away because they all said I was over dramatic because I was asking for help because I was dealing with court dates and stuff from an abusive boyfriend and it was making me all depressed... Also my ex best friend is turning the entire school against me by lying and telling everybody that I was lying about private events in my life for attention... I  might not write for a while, please understand that it doesn't mean I quit or anything. I just really need time to heal from all the backstabbing and pain my life has entered.


Hey guys, Lena here. So I'm goon hit you all with yes... ANOTHER update. Tonight I may do just one chapter, or multiple chapters in "The Wait Game", depending on how long it takes me to type them out. Now, tomorrow and Saturday I MAY NOT UPDATE! Not that it matters really, my updates tend to become very random after awhile but just informing you now. My brother is moving into College on Saturday, August 6th, 2016 at 12:00 p.m CT. With that being said, that means tomorrow my family is going out and we are having a complete family day. Saturday I'm going with my parents to help my brother move in AND on top of all of that, Markiplier is doing a live stream that I CANNOT MISS. After these two days I should be updating normally UNTIL Tuesday, because that is when I will be starting school. EW! hopefully it wont be too rough and I will update (Friday- Monday). As most of you know, I don't update on Mondays, making it an easy update day. I will update tonight after I finish my Summer Reading Project which shouldn't take long. It's due Tuesday and I haven't even started it so I think I should probably get onto that. Thank You! <3 and of course, I'll read you in the next chapter. Mwahhh


Little update. As some of you guys know, I started on the stories, as promised. Well, "We All Have Our Demons" and "Life Itself" Is now going to be on hold. That being I cannot write more than one story at a time. It makes the content rusty and I wanna give you all my best. For now "The Wait Game" Will be my main focus. If I feel inspired for a certain chapter in the other two, I will write it but don't expect much writing in the other two for a while. Also, since I am still a member of school... I will be returning back to high school on August 9th and my bother moves into college on August 6th. Updates will start to become a little distant. So I apologize for that also. Thank You! <3 and of course, I'll read you all in the next chapter. Mwahhh


Change in plans. I have deleted The Path To True Loves Paradise. It's officially DISCONTINUED. Reason being is obviously... I was already getting bored with that story. Boredom = bad content. You guys don't deserve that so instead I have thrown out original stories completely (including Family Friend which I never even started) and I have three fanfictions coming at you. I wanted to try something different so only one of three is Markiplier related. The other two are Supernatural related. So just wondering... Which one do you guys want me to start first? I have a Markiplier X Reader called The Wait Game, then I have a Dean X Reader X Sam called We All Have Our Demons, and of course I have my Dean X Castiel (Destiel) called Life Itself. Which one do you guys wanna see first? Please message me because I have no clue which one I wanna start first. Thank You! <3 and of course, I'll read you in the next chapter. Mwahhhh


Just an update. I have three books planned and ready to go for you guys. First is obviously The Path To True Loves Paradise. I'm also gonna start another original book soon called Family Friend, Then of course I will be starting a fanfiction because that is what I do best. I'm gonna start a fanfiction called, We All Have Our Demons which is a supernatural Dean x Reader x Sam fanfiction. Those are the three plans I have and then hopefully after a break once those are up and done, I'll settle back in on doing my usual Markiplier x Readers... and also I believe i will be discontinuing The Undertake of Annabel. Sorry about that guys :/