this message may be offensive
I haven’t been here for a while. That‘s kinda become a frequent thing for me, hasn’t it?
I‘d like to be able to say that after all this time of me not being able to follow through with my ambitions and goals, I‘ve finally done it and gotten my shit together.
It‘s never that simple though, is it?
I kinda always thought that one day, I‘d just do it, just sit down and work, and everything would be in order, that really, I could just get my shit together if I wanted to anytime, and I kept putting that off, perpetually making the excuse of "Nah, I‘ll get to it tomorrow“, which then became next week, next month, next year...
And it‘s been like that for pretty much as long as I can remember and it‘s not exclusive to a certain aspect of my life, it‘s a pattern reflected in all of my actions.
After all of this time of trying to figure it out, to figure me out, the one fact I have finally come to fully realize, that I‘ve been denying all my life, is that I am a mess. And I can see why it‘s come to that, how it‘s come to that and, finally, how to fix it. And that’s mostly because, this year, more accurately last year, my life just fell in on itself like a house of cards that‘s been swaying in the wind ever since it was built, just waiting to crash down. So, it‘s been rough. Which wasn’t the first time really, but it was the first time that it didn’t just fix itself or go back to being alright after a short while, because this time it wasn’t some unrelated, temporary issue. It was just what I had become after years of "Nah, tomorrow". And I‘ve realised that I can’t just stop that whenever I feel like it. I‘ve fallen into this cycle that I couldn’t get out of because it‘s just so deeply ingrained in my being at this point. This was the reason why all this time, at everything, I failed.
And I wish I could say that now that I have accepted this, I can just fix it.
Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.