Hi lovelies,
Healing Milton has a new chapter!
Please keep in mind my eyesight is still not the best (it’s turned into a whole thing) so the chapter may have a few more mistakes than usual!
I love all your comments too, it makes my day to hear how much you’re enjoying the story.
Hi lovelies,
I’ve recently had surgery to correct my vision after many years of saving up and waiting for the right time to do so.
Because of this, I can’t really write or read while my eyes heal - everything’s still a bit blurry lol. But don’t worry! All my stories have chapters waiting to be finished and published when I can see what I’m doing.
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Hello again lovelies,
Only three days 'til Christmas down here in Australia! So, another early Christmas present for you all ~ 'No Take Backs' has been updated!
Hello lovelies,
Can’t help myself. I’m posting another story! It’s not exactly new, but it does have a new name and a whole new direction.
If you like a bit of suspense, odd humour, and some shifty characters, go give ‘No Take Backs’, a read!