Hii, I'm alive!
Recently I was l00king thr0ugh my drafts and f0und an interesting st0ry. . . Perhaps I'm g0nna finish it and publish the wh0le b00k at 0nce.
A bit 0f c0ntext, the b00k is ab0ut bsd with my 0wn pl0t and 0c. Yeah, I decided t0 try p0st smth with my 0c. There'll be s0me r0mance tr0pe, but the main f0cus w0uld be up0n the crisis in Y0k0hama and the 0c's s0b backst0ry.
N0t sure when I'll finish it, but it sh0uldn't take t00 l0ng. The st0ry sh0uld be ar0und 20+ chapters l0ng, maybe even less.
S0, um. . . Stay tuned?
Y0ur pizzerfully, Tanuki