
Hi, there readers!!! A year ago, I posted the first chapter of my Skyward Sword novel, so I return here today to wish a Happy 1 year anniversary!!!!!! I can't believe it's been a year already! Thanks to all of those who have read all the chapters posted until now. For those who are still waiting for more updates, I have good news for you, and bad news too... The good news are that I'm planning on rewriting the chapters since I wrote some notes about how the story will go, like where Link will get injured, where I'm going to place the side-quests to give the story some spice and character development. Bad news is that this new rewriting thing will take some time since I barely have time for writing anymore, but I'm currently working on it, at least on weekends, where I at least have time, mostly Fridays, since I don't have classes in the afternoon period and I can go home. So, please have patience, and thanks for those who are still waiting for this story to be updated. I'm hyped for that day when you'll get an update notification and read all those rewritten chapters and the following to those. (When I post them anyway)
          Thanks to all of you, and happy 1 year anniversary!!!


@Pkmnacezelda also, I have another thing to say: I'm going to try and post this novel in.... Ao3!!!! YAY!!!!


For those who are wondering why I haven't posted yet today... I'm really sorry, but I won't post anything until 2nd term ends. School is taking most of my time, and even if it didn't, I have rushed chapters too much. From now on, I'll post once chapters are ready, and not rush them. Taking my sweet time writing them so they have better quality. After all, Selphie Kinneas took 10 years to finish "What Makes a Hero", in Fanfiction.Net. I'm really sorry, but maybe that's better. Chapter 9 is ready, but I decided to post it only when I finish 2nd term. Partially because of the reasons above, and partially because my mom grounded me and she doesn't want me to post and she wants me to take more time for studying. So that's it. So don't worry! Story is on hold, but not canceled! I hope you understand.