
this message may be offensive
Shieeetttt.... I lost my whole motivation to writing the damn book... Let me explain. So as you may know my book starts with Mapleshade telling some fuckshit to Spotty and because I stopped writing for a long time I FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT THAT! I have no idea what now! I just realised she didn't appear in the book for way to long! What should I do?! Should I just discontinue that thread or what. I just fell like I've gone way to far without her! What. Do. I. Do? 


this message may be offensive
Shieeetttt.... I lost my whole motivation to writing the damn book... Let me explain. So as you may know my book starts with Mapleshade telling some fuckshit to Spotty and because I stopped writing for a long time I FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT THAT! I have no idea what now! I just realised she didn't appear in the book for way to long! What should I do?! Should I just discontinue that thread or what. I just fell like I've gone way to far without her! What. Do. I. Do? 


Wassup guys I just wanted to tell you that I'm still active and that Spottedleaf's turning will be CONTINUED thus don't worry I'll surely come back but right now it's just checking notifications and thinking about the new update