
Yooo so I have a different account now if you wanna follow that @coolguyishere lol


Yep. My account is well and truly, deceased.
          I’m sad.
          This is not ideal.
          I don’t like it.
          Read my stories people! Read ‘em!


@confused_moron Hey, at least someone can relate


Is it just me or has my account gone dead…


@PlanetPotter by the way how many times did you die? I think I died like a good four times


Thanks for the follow! I'm Kira by the way! I love Harry Potter [Slytherin for life] and mha! 


@PlanetPotter I'm happy to find a fellow Slytherin!


Hey! I'm sorry I've been inactive for so long - I've been in a huge slump but I'm getting back to writing/updating. I have already written a few scenes and snippets to use in the future for The FallFire but I'm not sure about Jellify 'cause nobody's reading it, but I'll update it soon anyway. But yeah, basically, I'm back! 
          That's all, 
          K bye


Hi! I’m so sorry I’m in a huge slump rn, hopefully I can get back on it soon. Also I wanted to let you know that I usually don’t post or update on my Dad’s weekends (every other weekend) but yeah, that’s it!
          K bye ‍♀️


Hello! I just wanted to make a quick note about my updating schedule :)
          I’ve finally sorted out my sleep schedule so updates will most likely come at 5-8 in the morning (British time) or in the afternoon/evening. 
          Of course I won’t always be able to update everyday but I do most days. I hope this helps!
          K bye ‍♀️