
Y’all. What if I post a jikook fic? I’ve been working on it but I’m not confident LMAO. 


Hi, love.
          It would mean the world to me if you could give my first jikook book, a chance. I hope it won't disappoint you. 

          If you like it, please, vote and share your thoughts.
          ♡I love you ♡
          And one more thing ~
          Don't forget, you are worth it.


@Iamkooksunderwear  ah thank you very much. You also have a good day. :)


Sure thing I like it already!! Have a good day 


Hi jikookieS I just wanted to ask if y’all remember a jikook mafia au, where Jimin is a bodyguard and he has to protect a figure skating champion.. rings any bells? Idk if you know what happened to that book I’d love you to tell me! Have a good day 


Story time. 
          So, some days ago I was sitting in a bar having breakfast while watching random TikTok’s. After some minutes I received an email from my dream school and they said to send them stuff but the they added that my email was inappropriate and they thought it was spam. I then rushed to check my email and I just realized that my username was “ I am your underwear” plus Jungkook’s photo naked (his body was replaced by Ken’s body lol). I wanted to bury myself. After that I called them to apologize but they were laughing so hard that I was like- ಠ_ಠ 
          WHATEVA. thank I for reading MA STORYTIME


Kdkskwjcis I can’t face my teacher now lol @-jikookofc 


Hey! I truly appreciate your follow! Please STAY TUNED for my Wattpad Romance novel, THE VIRGIN CHRONICLES, that is dropping on 06-05-20! It would mean the world to me if you could please check it out. I would very much appreciate your feedback!
          Have an INCREDIBLE day, and please STAY HEALTHY!


Thank you for adding my horror story to your repertoire! I appreciate it a lot and I hope you enjoy. <3 In exchange, I'll also add your book to mine so I will have some new stuff to read. Hope you are staying healthy and that you have a great day! 


You’re absolutely welcome. Indeed, Your book is totally amazing  I’m looking forward to reading the other chapters :) love you