Keeping up with doing one of these a day, again feel free to suggest a country :D
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Russia is the oldest of his siblings, and the most loved by their father, USSR aka the Soviet Union. He spent the majority of his childhood playing with, and taking care of his younger siblings. Since their father wasn’t very present, it was up to Russia to be the “man of the house” and keep his siblings fed, safe, and warm. Because of this be was forced to grow up a little faster than the majority of his siblings. Not to mention his rivalry with Ukraine. Russia generally considered Uke as his annoying younger brother who’s ego was too big. Part of the problem was that they had trouble understanding each other.
Though, like his brother, Russia also fell into a depression, one he would not get over. Similarly to his brother, Russia felt isolated. Sure, he had all of his younger siblings, his father, yet he didn’t ever feel understood.
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There is two ways my Russia headcanon could end, and it just depends on the ship I have most on my mind. Assuming I go with the RusAme route, he meets America, the two slowly fall in love, and life goes on. If I go the other route, where Russia stays single, the headcanon just ends there.
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Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it ^^