Hi everyone ':D
I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry I've been so MIA. After the last update , I started a new semester and as much as I love my major, it's extremely demanding and it takes up a lot of my time and energy.
I've been wanting to write for so long, but so much came up and I ended up taking too long. I may have been able to update earlier, but my laptop was acting up AGAIN, so I couldn't type up any new chapters I had written. But not to worry, my phone is available.
I have written some stuff down and hopefully by either the half or end of this month, I will be able to update. To be honest I have exams from the 11th to the 28th but as I'm reading art, most of the courses are practical ones so I will have some free time in between.
But yeah. I just wanted to explain my absence. I've been feeling guilty about it for a while now and I've been dying to continue this story.
To all my regular readers and new ones, thank you so much for reading my story and being patient with me. I promise you it will all be worth it.