Update: My mother passed away after a very long fight, and I have been fighting those demons for a while now but staying strong for my daughter and myself. I recently quit my job since I was only working late at night and I didn't like having to leave her with family all of the time. I recently got hired for a day job though which is huge for me. I'm also taking some classes online and I'll be going back to school in the fall and I just feel so swamped with everything. I know it has been over a year since I updated My Dark Melody. That story has definitely taken the back burner in my life. I am determined to get My Flawed Perfection edited, put back together and up again so that it can reach it's full potential. I am writing this story for my dearest friend Love who is no longer with us and it's taken top priority for me right now.
I have the next chapter of My Dark Melody sketched out, it's just a matter of piecing it together and tying up all of the lose ends in my plot. I'm sure you've all given up on me as a writer but I wanted you all to know why I had been MIA for so long. I'm doing much better now, I'm ready to get back to writing, for it is rock right now.