
Anyone here interested in FNF?


Hey, so, yeah remember when I said I would update everything? I guess I really just couldn’t. I’ve been avoiding Wattpad for a while, but it’s time to come clean and take responsibility. 
          Ever since my YT fixation left me it’s all been downhill, and I’m just not into any of this nowadays. I can’t write for the same ships anymore as I now can’t stand some of the people included. I’ve also grown as a person to realise that writing real people isn’t right, or fair, to them. 
          I thank everyone for everything that’s happened here on this account, and if you see any story that you’d like to take on and complete - reach out and I’ll see what I can do for you. 
          I’ve moved on to other fandoms now and will put all this YT stuff to rest. 
          Thank you again, and if I do end up writing on this account again it won’t be what you’d expect. See ya later. 


Yeah, I've changed my mind, I've unpublished everything. I don't want to be judged in this day and age as I have mega anxiety, I'm really sorry. If there's any stories you guys want just post a comment here and I'll see what I can do for ya.


Everything that’s up will stay up btw, in case that wasn’t clear. It just won’t be updated. 


My Alpha's Song it is!
          Pay in mind that I will most likely rewrite a good bit of it just because I've changed and my writing style has most likely changed with me (and I know I screwed up a good portion of it because past me is dumb)
          In any case, I'll get to it as soon as I can! Thanks for the replies, guys!


@OwOfightmeScrubOwO I have a reboot planned for 'Don't Mess With Me' and I MIGHT reboot the wrong number Septiplier story? But I'm not entirely sure on that one. So other than a few edits on the other stories there won't be any more reboots
            Sorry for the lateness of my reply ^^


@Plugnuts but are you gonna update the other stories as well or are you gonna reboot them


Okay we have a tie on the poll gjknhk
          Okay, so, forgetting the poll.. Out of the two tied please reply with which you'd rather see back:
          My Alpha's Song or My Cat, Your Dog and Us
          Either that or I'll just choose because I need to stop stalling gjkdnh


My cat your dog and us! I really love the book and I want to see what happens


            My Alpha’s Song :)))


I've come back after a year and have been thinking of coming back to writing properly, but as you can see from my header I am now a Homestuck. I still do like YouTube, NatePat and Septiplier and will try to return to writing them again for you all.
          I also have been thinking of writing for Homestuck, but seeing as you all are here for YT it may be a weird shift.
          I appreciate everything I've gained in my absence, thank you all.


            Oh my god!-
            I found your stories while you were gone, and I was so sad that it seemed that you’d left wattpad. I’m so glad you’re back!


            Welcome back, we’ve missed you!


What ever happened to you I miss your work qwq


Just reviewed, it was a year and a bit, my apologies


@MarshallOwO Unfortunately I just lost motivation for my books and kept reviewing the mistakes I made and all the weird directions I took in my stories! The fact that I also lost touch with the fandoms didn't help either
            I know that this is a very late reply and I apologise for that, but this is the first time I've logged into Wattpad in.. like.. over a year? Maybe two? It's been a while
            I've grown since then and might get back to these stories because I do miss writing, but we'll see! Thank you, however, for liking my work it means a lot :)