I'm looking for a book, I can't remember the name, can't find it in my library, or archives..
It's also been a while since I read it.
I can't find it anywhere. I'm wondering if the person who wrote it took it down.. But I'm pretty sure there was a sequil to the first one..
It's about a girl in highschool, who is trying to seduce her church pastor? Preacher? Minister? I can't remember.. But he doesn't give in. A football player from school takes interest in her, she puts up with him, giving him her virginity.
She's still in love with the church guy, but dates the classmate in the mean time. Her classmate starts to really like her and she's trying to keep the relationship distant. She gets pregnant eventually, and because the classmate gets a scholarship to a college for that sport, she finally does one selfless act, and tells the classmate the baby isn't his. So that he can live his dream of becoming a professional.
Years later(second book I think?) the pastor has been helping her financially over the years, he even offered to give up being in the church to try and make a life with her. She told him no and so he settles with helping her by listening to her, and helping with money. The classmates reunite at his professional game, they met afterwards by accident now he's got a fiancé, events happen and he figures out the baby is really his, he breaks it off with the fiancée. And tries to get back with the MC even though he is hurt she kept it from him. She's still trying to keep her distance, but over time gives in and they try to make it work... Etc etc.. I can't remember details about the ending..
Does ANYONE remember this? Or am I totally insane? I'm desperate to figure out what happened with these books!