
Guess what???
          	I STARTED THE 2ND ONE HUNDRED DRESSES BOOK!! The Prologue and ch 1 is posted now and i think you'll really like it :) so go over and read it and tell me what you think of it! thanks 
          	-Pluto :)


Hello! Whether you be a friend, acquaintance, this is your backup account, or you’re someone who followed me on a whim and may even be a dead account now, I just want to say... thank you. Thank you for coming onto my profile and deciding that, for whatever reason, you wanted to follow me. I’m at almost 500 follows now. Because of YOU. So I just wanted to thank you individually, from the bottom of my heart ❤️❤️❤️


Hi. I am so sorry that I haven’t been very active for the past couple of months. It’s been between school and dance I have been extremely busy. 
          For school I wasn’t doing so good with grade so I had to take a small break to try and get those back up and then there was exams. Yikes. 
          For dance I had my recital on June 22nd. So I had to practice for that.
          So I am sorry that I wasn’t active but I will try to post a little bit more now that I am done with that. I am going to be posting a new chapter of One Hundred Dresses pretty soon so stay tuned for that. And I will be starting an aesthetics book. So comment/message me if you want me to do one for you. Thank you for being so understanding and I promise I will be more active.


@Plutostitch3 Oof. You had your recital two days before my Birthday.