
Everyone, I need your help spreading a message.
          The world is cruel enough.
          In 2015 alone, 828,000 people committed suicide. Globally, more than 264,000 people suffer from depression. 
          7.3% of the world population has anxiety. In 2015, one country alone had 164,000 people with autism.
          20% of teenagers are bullied every day.
          These statistics alone prove that the world, at times, is not a kind place. 
          People need to stop with the jokes. You have no idea how much it hurts when people joke around about suicide, depression, anxiety and autism. 
          The jokes and ‘hilarious’, unserious comments that go something like:
          “Ha. I wish I could die.”
          “Go kill yourself.”
          “Ugh, I’m so depressed.”
          “Why don’t depresses people make themselves happy again? Haha.”
          “Look at you- you’re so scared over a measly presentation; it’s not that difficult.”
          “If you have anxiety, just stop being anxious.”
          “Hahaha, I’m so autistic.”
          “OoOooOOo stop bullying me!”
          Suicide is not a joke.
          Depression is not something to laugh at.
          Anxiety is not attention-seeking.
          Autism is not funny.
          Bullying hurts people so, so much, more than you could ever realise.
          Words cut like a whip. Even when not directed towards them, those careless comments can wound people more than you can ever imagine.
          The world is cruel enough. 
          It needs Kindness.
          So, I propose a new hashtag. 
          One to use on Wattpad whenever you see someone making fun of these topics or bullying someone.
          Stand up and say, “That’s not okay.”
          Put a stop to it. #BeKind.
          (Copied from @The_Ghost_Queen06 )


You have been chosen to be showered with love, so enjoy!❤️❤️
          Now post this to everyone's wall, who you think deserves the world. 
          If you get:
          1 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          2 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          3 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          9 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          Don't be pressured to send it back ❤️


I would have asked you these questions over a private message, but my PMs aren’t working, so I will ask them here.
          I am doing a survey on several social media apps, in which I ask the same five questions. If you choose to participate, your answers would be anonymous. This is not like a science thing, this is just what I do when I am bored. Here are the questions:
          1.	How often do you use Wattpad?
          2.	How long have you used Wattpad?
          3.	How many followers do you have?
          4.	How many people are you following?
          5.	How many social media platforms do you use including this one?
          I hope you choose to answer them (:


I want you to know that you are an amazing person
          If I don't get this back I understand
          But I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for you
          Once you have read this message you must send this to 15 people
          If you get at least 3 back you are loved
          If not Jesus still loves you (we don't want to discourage anyone)
          Nobody realizes how important something is until they lose it
          Tonight at 11:59 pm the person you love will realise they love you
          Then at 1:00-2:00 pm get ready for the biggest shock of your life
          If you break this you will have bad luck
          With love send this to 15 people 
          If you don't you will turn ugly (in other people's eyes)
          A friend told me about this and told me to do it
          Tomorrow 2 people will ask for your number
          Send this to 15 people or bad luck will find you for a whole year
          Started by @hinnywasneverathing1


Please don't curse us people who don't have to time for that ;-;