Right people/potatoes/demigods/witches/wizards/dragons/hunters/my friends/others, You've probably noticed I've been quite quiet for a while I'm not dead But I have over 100 notifications and I can't be bothered to trawl through them I am going to make my other account ( @Rosalita66 ) my main account If nothing else, the fanfictions I've got sketched out over there are of a better quality than anything I've got posted over here So if this gets quiet again, check my other account On another note, 9 followers till 300! I didn't make this account for followers, and I will always be eternally grateful to my very first followers, you know who you are My other account has a Dean Winchester x OC semi-AU and a Ghost Rider Hawksilver in the making The first chapter of Scars Deeper than Words will be out once I have made a cover for it and I expect to have the first chapter of Back With a Vengeance out by Friday Also, Back With a Vengeance has one of the best covers I've made so far So yeah, if Hawksilver is your lifeblood, I think Back With a Vengeance would please you greatly If not, I except fic requests for any of my ships, the full list is here and I will add it to my other account's description And that's all folks ~ PoZ/Rose

Scars Deeper than Words now has a cover and will be coming out at about the same time as Back With a Vengeance