
Just wanted to talk about the new update of Payment for a little bit. I now have 17 chapters completed. I'm not going to start publishing them yet because I don't wanna confuse anyone. I will be taking down the first one after the new updated one is completed. It is still like a lot of chapters to go, so don't be any rush. I'm not! I will be keeping you posted here and in the story itself. 
          	In other news, I did work on Teals last night, and I think I figured out where I am going with The Little Mermaid now. Maple Heights is coming a long. Though it's an older story, I have always struggled with it a little. A single flower is going to be another slow edit. The funny thing with this one is that I already have the next story in the series started while writing this one. I know more where I am headed with that one than I do this one. Maybe I'll get them done at the same time. That'll be great. I am working slowly, at this point, slower than a snal on my other stories. I haven't forgotten about them even though it might look like I have they are being updated even if it's a couple of sentences a week. 


Just wanted to talk about the new update of Payment for a little bit. I now have 17 chapters completed. I'm not going to start publishing them yet because I don't wanna confuse anyone. I will be taking down the first one after the new updated one is completed. It is still like a lot of chapters to go, so don't be any rush. I'm not! I will be keeping you posted here and in the story itself. 
          In other news, I did work on Teals last night, and I think I figured out where I am going with The Little Mermaid now. Maple Heights is coming a long. Though it's an older story, I have always struggled with it a little. A single flower is going to be another slow edit. The funny thing with this one is that I already have the next story in the series started while writing this one. I know more where I am headed with that one than I do this one. Maybe I'll get them done at the same time. That'll be great. I am working slowly, at this point, slower than a snal on my other stories. I haven't forgotten about them even though it might look like I have they are being updated even if it's a couple of sentences a week. 


love xotic romance
          thanks for writing and making your readers tempt ;)


@imranIT I'm glad you enjoyed them   


Thanks for writing..ur book just made me tempt and mood to be honest


@imranIT thank you for reading it's always a pleasure;)


If you notice I have put a couple stories on hold. This doesn't mean that I've given up on them I'm still writing. Just it's taken them longer to progress then others. And yes I just posted another story. I'm not sure when I'm going be completing  Ariel's story in Tales. I had an idea where I wanted it to go but now I'm not sure it's how I want it. Just have to wait and see I guess how it truns out. Sometimes I surprise myself. 


@Pocahontas_41 will wait thanks for writing erotic stories


OK, well, here's what's going on. I've been working in drifts on stories I haven't published yet. I've also tried to keep the ones that are ongoing going. Some of them I'm having a hard time with. My mind is literally chaos. I try focusing one story, but another one is in the back with a sign saying hey its me."Write to me now." Yeah, that's my world. If you notice, I jump around from one to another a lot. It helps sometimes. I am working on the sequel to Behind Closes Doors. Also, an edit vision of payment. It's a slow edit, so don't worry, but when I am done, payment will be removed so the newer version can take its place. I'm also working on another sequel. I'm not telling what it's going to be. it's a surprise. I do have another installment that goes with the Him collection. I will be putting it out soon. And I've been working on a stand-alone story about gaming. It's a slow process. Anyway, I just wanted to update everyone. I hope you are all having a wonderful week  Silky


The things I do for my fans lol. As everyone knows I have been working on the new story in Between the Sheets The little mermaid. I went down a habbit hole today and looked up how mermaids have sex    yup I went there. Get ready for some wired stuff. I anit making it up or maybe I am  Love y'all just thought I shear my little adventure with yall. 
          Silky ❤️


I'm taking a break for the holidays. I will be back after everything has settled down around here. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. Love you all. Thank you for your support. I really appreciate everything. you're the best 


I know many people say writers block is not a thing. I beg to differ, I am in the middle of five stories at the moment. One is going so smoothly, one I know what I want to write, but I just don't know how to put it into words. Then there are the others I am just lost for where I am going with them. I know where I want to go, but I just can't get the words to come together. I think I am over exhausted my mind. 


OK I have been thinking and I have made my decision. I am definitely deleting Star 2 one because Wattpad has already deleted the first one so it makes no sense to have the 2ed one up without the first. If you are reading it are in the middle of reading I am sorry. It will be deleted in a couple of days. I am thinking about moving one my my stoies in Between the sheets to a book of its own. It has proven to be longer then I thought it would be. Title Tiny Dancer I don't know if it will keep the name. And I am not sure I will move it last time I moved a story it didn't go as will as I hoped. I have made some updates some some of my other stories they are going slowly i know but good writing takes time. Also I am having a bit of writing block with one of them it's why I haven't updated on it lately I know how I want it to go just don't know how to write the scene out.  anyway Happy Saturday everyone. 


Thinking about deleting three of my works off of here. They are not getting a lot of attention anyway . One of them I am stuck on I have a bit of writers block. The other two I feel like maybe I shouldn't have started writing them in the first place. They started out good but now I'm not so sure about them. I still have some what of a plan of what direction I want to go in but it's such a slow process. I am starting a new one that's not really new. It's one that I kind of dug out of my fails that I wrote a long time ago. I'm just rewriting it, adding more to it basically editing what I have and making it better then what it was.. I'm not going take them down just yet I think I might have a vote see what y'all say before taking any down. I really would like yalls opinion on this before I make any decision whatsoever. 


Afternoon, morning, night whatever it maybe where you're from. I just wanted to update everyone. I have changed my name on my page I no longer go by SLK but Silky this is my new pin name and the name I am going be using for now own. Also I changed my username name from his pocahontas to pocahontas_41. Just little minor changes that I've made also I have two new stories out they are a series I am working on the frist one yall might have already see up its Mated to the Seer story two I am working on it is daughter of The Seer. Also some things yall things yall might notice I've updated some of my other stories finished a couple of them. I still got some editing I need to do but I got time for that later. I'm going be update my profile a little as I go so don't be surprised if you see changes here and there. I'm also working on getting Star back up, it might be a little different then the original because I didn't have it saved anywhere but here and that was my mistake. But maybe I can make it better who knows. Thank you who all who has voted, commented, and supported me. I really enjoyed writing each work and I really appreciate each and every one of you. 


@Pocahontas_41 I forgot to mention Taming Three it's another new short story I have out. Thank you all again 