
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
          	I might write a story
          	I'm not into MHA anymore though


i love your writing style so a story from you would be great regardless of what it’s about 


Help I forgot how to update stories on mobile


@ShipperMina I'm on the web version so either I cant publish on here or I'm just dumb


@DespairLesbian I'm not certain how it looks like for you, but on mine there's a button that says Publish. It's next to save. 


this message may be offensive
So this girl's outside behind the bar
          She's a good girl
          She called a car
          Y'got three motherfuckers in a big white van
          Two dumb friends and one mean man
          Well she'll fucking kill you
          She wins every fight
          She's gonna rock your shit by the end of the night
          And the only advantage that a killer has
          Is they think they have the right
          I listen to a lot of true crime
          I listen to it at night
          I like the girl talk
          It makes me feel alright
          I like scary stories in the morning
          And I like them at night
          I like the girl talk vibes
          They make me feel just fine
          I listen to a lot of true crime
          Y'know Dennis Rayder and David Parker Ray
          Actually sit together in Hell
          Shaking quaking terrified
          That someday
          Somehow someway
          They might meet me
          They took our girls away from home
          They're in the woods they're all alone
          The ropes are heavy and the knots are tight
          Tied by a monster and his oblivious wife
          Well I hope this doesn't seem too impolite
          But Ted Bundy was just never that fucking bright
          He was just sorta charismatic and White alright
          And he was so fucking sure he had the right
          But he's ugly and I'm glad he's dead
          Cuz there was no fucking candle in his pumpkin head
          You're not special for winning a game
          With someone who you know was never playing
          She could've killed you
          She had every right
          You just caught her off guard tonight
          But it's alright
          She'll be fine
          We listen to a lotta true crime
          One of our young turned up last night
          They found their body but not their eyes
          Somebody new must've
          Gone bad
          Where's the lord to take care of that
          Where's the lord to take care of that
          I listen to a lot of true crime
          I listen to it at night
          I like the girl talk vibes
          They make me feel alright
          I like scary stories in the morning
          And I like 'em at night
          I like the girl talk vibes
          They make me feel just fine
          I listen to a lot of true crime


You and me, we're not the same
          I am a sinner, you are a saint
          When we get to the pearly gates
          You'll get the green light
          I'll get the old door in the face
          I'm a loser, a disgrace
          I've found love in the strangest place
          Tied up and branded, locked in a cage
          I say I'm gonna stage a great escape
          Let loose a love all pent up and painfully out of place
          I'm a loser, a disgrace
          You're a beauty, a luminary, in my face
          I've got a lot, not a lot, I gotta lot less than a lot
          I've got problems
          Not just ones that are little
          It's those people problems
          That's something to consider
          When you come for dinner at my place


          Washing Machine Heart
          Song by Mitski
          Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart
          Baby, bang it up inside
          I'm not wearing my usual lipstick
          I thought maybe we would kiss tonight
          Baby will you kiss me already and
          Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart
          Baby, bang it up inside
          Baby, though I've closed my eyes
          I know who you pretend I am
          I know who you pretend I am
          Do mi ti
          Why not me?
          Why not me?
          Do mi ti
          Why not me?
          Why not me?
          Do mi ti
          Why not me?
          Why not me?