
New poetry project coming up. Maybe I’ll start posting parts before the new year.


Well, it’s been awhile. College started up, and I’m keeping busy! I’ve been working on some new poetry, but what’s up next is a best-of set; I’ll publish it tomorrow. I’ve taken a break from Malvin for now, but I promise to pick him back up again soon!


Hey guys! Just FYI: I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month. (Three cheers for the Unlucky Apostrophe Club!) Hopefully, I'll be able to complete my first draft of Malvin. Don't worry, I'll still update with a new chapter weekly!
          I've also started my third poetry project, Ecru Skies. Only one poem for now, but give it a look!


Just FYI, there will be a total of 50 Poems of the Left Hand. Once I'm done with that, I'll either start a new poetry project or do something else. We'll see.


OK, better make that a total of more than 50. I must have miscalculated. Or written too much. That's also a possibility.