Hello followers,
It's a pleasure to be able to speak with you all again. I just thought it'd be appropriate and suitable to say thank you for the motivation to continue and push forth. I had a lot of encouragement from you and others I've gotten to know since then and now. At the time, I broke someone's heart deeply. And I cannot fathom the hate they've developed towards me. I faked having intercourse and sexual relations with my best friend in order to get a response from that fellow lover I once knew. It all went hay wire and left immediately. I continued my charade yet I shouldn't have. And that has caused me to ruin a friendship that could've been built. Or a relationship that could've been healed. I cut off my family and wished bad on them and I deserted them when we need each other most. And I stopped caring about everything except my best friend. And I only continued for her. But, as we experience, we grow and thanks to you and my experiences, and views, and others with their own, I have grown and matured and bloomed and I hope to try and heal all that I broke, to mend all that I did wrong, and fix all that I ruined. It is not easy for me but as a woman, I must do what I know is best and righteous and right for me. You and many others have taught me well. My mother would be proud if she were alive today. Thank you and many others.
Sincerely, yours truly and forever, PoeticUnjustice (Legit Infinity)