Hello my name is Leesha I am now 19, my family is jewish but im not and i live in Rye which isnt that far away from london but i did live in London when i was younger. I'm going to tell you a story...
It was the 19th of september 1941, it was the middle of world war two. I was about 15 when the war was on and I remember every night we would have to sleep in the local bomb shelter down the road in case our house got blew up whilst we were asleep. Me, my mum and my sister who is called Bethany and was 13 at the time. We were all petrified, i mean who wouldnt be? One day a bomb blew up right out side the door of the bomb shelter we were currantly sleeping in and unfortunatly there was an old man stood outside so when we went outside there was parts of old man everywere, it was not a pretty sight.
After that we desided to go on 'holiday' as we told bethany. We moved to a small village called Rye. It was a nice, calm village, we all liked it there that was untill the 27th of Feburary 1943. Three members of the German army had landed on a local feild and sneaked into our village. They saw that we had a jewish star of david hanging on our window, so in the middle of the night they broke into our house and tied us up and then gagged us before we new what was happening. They slaughtered my mum infront on me and Bethany because she had tried to scream for help but even with her efforts no-one heard they then took me and bethany back to Germany and sent us to a labour camp.
At the labour camp it was horrible if you did anything wrong, even the slightest mistake they would whip you and if you did it multiple times they would shoot you in the head infront of everyone to 'teach' them a lesson.
Once Bethany dropped a brick just one brick and she got whipped atleast 10 times on her bear back. The morning later i found her dead, atleast she had died in her sleep instead of infront of those sick men who shot people for fun!
So it was just me now my dad was out at war, and both my mum and Bethany had died because of the German jerks.
I was at the labour camp for another week before one of the German soldiers started choking on some bread and they didnt know how to help him so they shouted for help and as usual everyone ran to the scene but luckly i had been studing doctors in school so i helped him and i guess i saved that guys life.
The German soldiers decided to take me onto the battle feild as in that week, 3 men had died of choking but no-one on the battle feild knew how to help them. After seeing far too many people from England die i decided to escape but first i had to descover how, the first thing I thought of was would i see my dad? and if i did would he be died or alive? these sort of questions went through my head for about a day then i started planning my route out of this trash hole.
The day that i had planned had come, it was a Wednesday which was when the soldiers get their food supply topped up, so first when they were unloading the food i jumped in the back of the truck and hid behind some boxes. Once the truck was out of the security gates i jumped out and started walking along the edge, of the outside of the battle field hiding in the bushes it took me up to four days to get to the middle of the feild but i was determind to get to the other side i mean i wasnt going back i would rather die, so i carried on.
When i got to the English side i just had to figure out how to get in then i saw a familiar face and by familiar i mean i saw my dad! I was so exited i forgot that i was on a battle feild and then i heard a gunshot from right next to me so i followed my instinct and ducked luckly no-one saw me atleast i dont think but it was close after that i crawled the next couple of yards the it was some woods so i walked through to the other side. Were i saw some English soldiers talking in the back of a truck and one of them spotted me, all four of them grabbed their guns and pointed then at me. They asked me loads of questions like who are you? Where are you from? And how did you get here? After a while my dad came out of the English gates because he saw the men pointing their guns at something but he couldnt see what. As soon as i saw him i ran with my arms spread out ready for a hug but the there was a bang and i loss consiosness. I woke up in the temperary hospital in the english base so i guessed that my dad recognised me and rushed me in here but about an hour later i found out that it was the nurse that was woundering around outside and saw me then she rushed me in here! I also found out that i ran into a land mine which only blew up me and luckly no-one or anything else. My dad came to see me later that day, I told him what the Germans had done to my Mum and Bethany and he was devistated but he still felt sorry for me as i had to wittness them both.
When my dad had time off he would come to the recovery area where i was all the time because i wasnt aloud to leave not even to go to the toilet. There was littaraly a bucket in the corner that was emptied once a day! When the fighting was over me and my dad had to stay longer then some of the other soldiers because he still had stuff to do but when we went home we had to go back to Rye because our other house had blew up the day we left.
Me and my dad have lived in Rye since then and its a great place to live.
THE END!!! :)