
          	Deep and meaningful poetry results have been announced!
          	I will PM the interview questions to the winners.
          	Thanks for participating.
          	- Luna


          We need just 3 more and we can start the contest.
          Until then I would like to address a few queries:
          1. The participants have to read at least 4 chapters of every other participant's book, which would be a good way for them to increase their reads and get important feedback!
          2. When a participant has completed reading 4 chapters of someone's book they have to PM me that they have read the book and rate it out of 10. This will help to ensure that the participants are actually reading the book and no one is left behind!


You can PM me the feedback!


@PoetryAwards2020 Does this mean we have to give them feedback which i dont mind, or just read it and PM ?


          So I have talked with all the participants that we currently have and asked them what they thought about reading the other participants poems, which would be a great way for them to increase their reads and everyone was interested in that!
          So I thought that until the contest is started the participants can read each others books and when they are done they can let me know that they have read whose book.


@PoetryAwards2020 How will it be done? We will just choose any poetry book from our fellow participants? Is that it?