
I am looking for someone to help me revitalize the Pub once again and to breathe new life into the Pub, taking it to a new direction.
          	Bill Temple


@PoetsPub This is just a suggestion, but what if the Pub also used Discord? Like sure every poet can use another app, like Poetizer, Ive seen many now use Instagram to share some work there, but it could be a way to draw the community together and interact?


@PoetsPub Sorry about that. Personally i've also been posting on an app called Poetizer and enjoying that. They moved to a subscription style of a few dollars a month. And i havent looked into it, but they also seem to allow people to publish their work or create merch and sell that, i assume taking a cut. As opposed to wattpad's ads and pay to read stories. The interface can be a tad glitchy at times, but it has a nice minimalist look and seems to have a good community of people using it. I don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but i'd recommend giving it a shot, i think they have a free trial or something of that nature. Anyways, have a nice day and wish you all the best going forwards.


@mitchholly Yea I am no0t having any luck with reopening the Pub. I guess it is a lost cause.


I'd love to see the pub's comeback. Missing it a lot. So many kind and wise souls. I learned much and am very greatful. - Leandra ,,Lean" Lynx (perhaps better known from the Storytellers' Saloon/ the Saloon/ Busted Gulch series/ BG)


            I second that.
            I have been checking up on the pub everyday now. Hope is a cruel thing. 




I have been well and busy... you?


Bill my man....lost my Internet for awhile...back on line now...so what's happening with The Pub


@orkneyman Good day my friend. How have you been


Bill I remember when you first started the Poet’s pub. And the inspiration was that in the modern times Paris was the place where the arts experimented and found freedom for the arts away from the old world and into the new. An age where the artists took the control of their own creativity and practiced their own craft and creativity blossomed.
          Now  it is the internet that is allowing for a new kind of era of creativity. The world has become the Paris of the modern age. We have experienced the world being connected and with it also exploited by those who only wish to make money. The artistic golden age is changing because of this technology. I think the focus now is on the way we can create quality of content, poems, stories and prose. If we could help people create their own best work/ poems to present to the public via the Poet’s Pub not just reads but to discuss each others style and bring this discussion to life. Why do we like a poem is it because it stirs up emotions ? Or the skill of the writer, or both. Maybe we should make the Poet’s Pup open to short stories as well as prose. Those of us who have been here for years have noticed the difference in Wattpad.  Change comes as the world moves forward in ways that make us feel lost.  Just not sure I can help you but you did try.


I am looking for someone to help me revitalize the Pub once again and to breathe new life into the Pub, taking it to a new direction.
          Bill Temple


@PoetsPub This is just a suggestion, but what if the Pub also used Discord? Like sure every poet can use another app, like Poetizer, Ive seen many now use Instagram to share some work there, but it could be a way to draw the community together and interact?


@PoetsPub Sorry about that. Personally i've also been posting on an app called Poetizer and enjoying that. They moved to a subscription style of a few dollars a month. And i havent looked into it, but they also seem to allow people to publish their work or create merch and sell that, i assume taking a cut. As opposed to wattpad's ads and pay to read stories. The interface can be a tad glitchy at times, but it has a nice minimalist look and seems to have a good community of people using it. I don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but i'd recommend giving it a shot, i think they have a free trial or something of that nature. Anyways, have a nice day and wish you all the best going forwards.


@mitchholly Yea I am no0t having any luck with reopening the Pub. I guess it is a lost cause.


It really saddened me to leave this place. Such wonderful times we had with everyone here. 


@undoubtedlymine I did then the pub left too