Just by your use of grammer and your use of words there clearly demonstrates you are not stupid xx don't let idiots push you down know you are better then they will ever be. There are nice ways to say things and it sounds like this person did it in the meanest way they could xx keep your head up!! xo
Got a little put off by some bad comments on my books so writers block kicked in. I write to keep smiling. and if my writing makes other smile so be it. but if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. I don't mind been corrected but being called stupid. that's plain mean. I have a life outside of writing so please bare with me.
I love you all
A Warriors Mate - Chapter 2- will be up tonight late tonight. 1,000 words in only 4,000 more to go. Sorry i'm uploading later then i said but with work and new year iv been rushed off my feet.
Love to you all