okay. so I unpublished some things so I could rewrite them (maybe, idk about all of them yet.),
I have two, yes, two new books i'm working on, one is a klance college au, and the other is tall duo.
the tall duo does not have a fully developed concept yet, I might change it up a bit more before publishing it.
the klance college au has 3 full chapters ready for publish. chapter 4 is in progress along with the 5th.
I am rewriting Just a Friendship, there are so many components to the story I never got to that I wish I did. That does mean the book 2 is going to be rewriten too. I will more than likely unpublish it for a little bit after I publish the first chapter for the rewrite. The first book will remain up permanently. but the book 2 will eventually be deleted and more than likely rewritten to continue on the book 1. (this means changes will be huge for both books, i will more than likely split the book 1 up a bit, adding whatever part to book 2 so it can be continued on.)
All i need from you guys reading this right now is what you want to see first from what i already have. (the klance and tall duo.)
i sincerely apoligize by the way for stoping uploading. My mental health took a bit of a turn a while back and i never got the motivation to write or anything. i met star about a week or so ago and they really helped me out a lot.
i hope you all are well, and if you feel like you're not going the right direction, find somebody you can trust enough to help you.
the klance will be published soon after this is sent. (i need to spell check quickly.)
thank you for reading.