
Aaaaand I apologize for not finishing " The Missing Memoir" but I have plans for that too so do not fret ^^"


@Poke4ver it's been a year.


Hey  people (and other mythical beings that might be following me)! Sorry I haven't written in a while, I'm working on the second short story for the "Myths Of Another Land" series I started. Lately I've been drowning in nostalgia and I can't find the words to express everything that's popping up in my head. I've been introspecting a whole lot and realize the many things I miss :') but things happen for a reason I suppose. Sorry for making this a little bit too long but I had to get it out! Expect a new short story  soon! Big project in the making ;)


@Poke4ver I got diagnosed by you that I should eat more chocolate because I have been chocolate deprived. And I shouldn't eat it bear my friend cause she likes to dip her feet in chocolate and takes baths in it. Also, you got your permit from the guy behind Pizza Hut. ;D


@Sprittee  No rush, you'll have chocolate in no time. But make sure it's not actually being...STOLEN


@Sprittee OMFG HEEEEYYYY!!! um... we don't have chocolate at home.. :/