
And finally, the long awaited new chapter is here, C10!!
          	Why would Paul suddenly turned up and what will be outcome of their matches? 
          	Stay tuned, read it up and enjoy the show! 
          	Sorry to disappoint all of you. I couldn't ensure the frequent updates nowadays which I used to do it last month. Things getting tighter and heavier on schedule and assignments. C11 is in the progress, but I'm not making any promises on when it will be published. 
          	With all of your support through voting and commenting, I suppose they will give me a boost! Wish me luck and pray for me to be free from the struggles as soon as possible, so that I'll be able to return into the books, even if it is to be a "book worm".
          	Thanks and I hope you all enjoy! God bless! 


And finally, the long awaited new chapter is here, C10!!
          Why would Paul suddenly turned up and what will be outcome of their matches? 
          Stay tuned, read it up and enjoy the show! 
          Sorry to disappoint all of you. I couldn't ensure the frequent updates nowadays which I used to do it last month. Things getting tighter and heavier on schedule and assignments. C11 is in the progress, but I'm not making any promises on when it will be published. 
          With all of your support through voting and commenting, I suppose they will give me a boost! Wish me luck and pray for me to be free from the struggles as soon as possible, so that I'll be able to return into the books, even if it is to be a "book worm".
          Thanks and I hope you all enjoy! God bless! 


Alright, alright. I know. You've waiting for so long for updates on my book, and here it is. 
          I just updated Chapter 9: A Breaking News! 
          What sort of breaking news is it? Read it up and you shall find the answer soon. 
          Anyway, here's the sad news which I'm really sorry about it. My holidays ending, which means I won't be updating that frequent like the past two weeks. I appreciate the fact if you could understand my current situation. But still, I'll try my best to dig out some time just to write. 
          Good news? Chapter 10 is in the progress, and it's half-done!! Surprised? Stay tuned, then! 
          Don't forget to leave a vote and comment on the chapters! See ya! 


Recent update on 'C8: Zeraora? Time to Shine!' is about to release in one week time. 
          Well, honestly, I have started writing off C9, but I'm having some packed schedule this week, so there's possibility that update on C9 will come later. 
          But anyway, as I promised, C8 will be published in one week time.
          Stay tuned! Don't forget to leave a vote and comment! 
          [Do encourage all of you to read through C6+C7 (if you haven't) before you proceed with C8]
          Signing off. 


Hello there, guys!
          I'm so euphoric that there are readers that actually keep asking me if the updates are coming soon or not. 
          Well, I have to apologise first, that I kept breaking my promise on updating and so on... Really sorry! 
          Anyway, your comments and your "When is your next update?", they really made me desire to write so much. 
          But sometimes, life just doesn't allow you to do so, isn't it? 
          Anyway, I felt so ecstatic that I'm able to write again. For me, writing made me feel wonderful and glad, that's the main reason why I started a book (fanfic) but I'm so sorry that there's no frequent updates nowadays. 
          Let me be honest with you guys, I'm actually in an exam season right now. 
          And today, is the only off day among all of my exam days. 
          So I literally just sacrificed almost half of the day to update my story. 
          I'm sorry though, if the story disappoint you or of any other reason(s). 
          My exam will end at the end of this May, which you can highly expect another chapter in the first week of June. 
          But the good news is, chapter 8 is already in progress, done for like 13%. 
          But I will stop updating it for a while, as I really need to focus on my academics first. 
          (Don't get mad at me! )
          Anyway, before bidding farewell, enjoy reading my story! And please pray that I would score great grades in my examinations. I'm having a big headache with my History subject (I'm not a memorising kind of person). 
          See you soon! 
          Poke_Jason, out! 


By the way, I forgot to mention the main point .
            Chapter 7 is out! Have fun reading! 


No update this week. 
          I'm really sorry to mention it. 
          Life is getting tougher for me. 
          I'll try to update my chapters as frequent as possible. When you see me getting less active, it doesn't mean that I'm no longer here writing. Plz pray for me that I can finish all of my works and can really spend time sitting down to enjoy writing. 
          Thank you and sorry for all. 


From #Poke_Jason:
          I'm really sorry for not updating in the past three months. 2019, has been my new phase in life which I'm still thinking of a way or ways to live it through. Knowing that you guys may be frustrated or even disappointed, but I can only say sorry for being inactive in posting updates. 
          As a note of apologize, 
          2 updates will be coming out by March. 
          One, (chapter 6) in 12 hours time. 
          Second, (chapter 7) by the end of March. 
          This is my promise! And I'll make sure that it comes true! 
          Plz continue to support my story. Thx in advance! May God bless each and every one of you!