
I have opened Wattpad seriously for the first time in a long one- ah, yes, hello everyone- I've scrubbed through my following list, swept up in my library, and dove into my stories to spruce them up a bit. I have a new thing posted! Fun, awesome, etc. I've added and edited (picture-wise) my Interlude: Space thing, and uh... just reconnected with this account a bit. Poked around, seeing what's changed and what hasn't. My fingers are stiff from the cold, but eh,  didn't touch Itty Bitty Dragon Fire with a ten-foot stick because of the mental strength required to (can't fight that battle just yet, haha)
          	I will always be more active on Ao3, my bio here is a bit outdated, I have over 900 bookmarks now and the number is steadily rising... I just came in to see how my Wattpad account is doing, hehe you know, the one I made in middle school and am keeping around for kicks, lol.
          	Um, so this is my announcement. Yeah. Okay. Uh, Pokedragon7 signing off.
          	Have a good one,
          	- Pokedragon7


I have opened Wattpad seriously for the first time in a long one- ah, yes, hello everyone- I've scrubbed through my following list, swept up in my library, and dove into my stories to spruce them up a bit. I have a new thing posted! Fun, awesome, etc. I've added and edited (picture-wise) my Interlude: Space thing, and uh... just reconnected with this account a bit. Poked around, seeing what's changed and what hasn't. My fingers are stiff from the cold, but eh,  didn't touch Itty Bitty Dragon Fire with a ten-foot stick because of the mental strength required to (can't fight that battle just yet, haha)
          I will always be more active on Ao3, my bio here is a bit outdated, I have over 900 bookmarks now and the number is steadily rising... I just came in to see how my Wattpad account is doing, hehe you know, the one I made in middle school and am keeping around for kicks, lol.
          Um, so this is my announcement. Yeah. Okay. Uh, Pokedragon7 signing off.
          Have a good one,
          - Pokedragon7


pee nest


its funny to me bro lmao lmao


@OfficalGarcelloSImp I wish I had I had a witty, funny response for that but all my sleepy brain can come up with is "c_m sock" like thee unfunny lump of flesh it is


I've come to the sudden epiphany that I have a thing for hands.
          Now, it's been kinda sitting in the back of my mind until today. I've known for a while now that I am in love with anatomy, the shapes and lines of a body, and how they're proportioned in relation to each other. 
          But it wasn't until I found myself focusing solely on the hands/feet of my drawings did I realize how weird they were. I mean, have you SEEN how many bones are in there?! How many shapes and sizes they come in!?
          Anyway, it wasn't until I traced a single frame from a certain video game did I realize how much hands affected me. Their shape, for one. Like, just at the end of your arms (WHAT I'M USING TO TYPE THIS) are ten bony tentacles with sensitive hairless skin fused together at the base. 
          You could look at them from any angle and there be fingers there. Hardest thing to draw right in my life. The lines overlap and look downright funky if not angled properly. Don't even get me started on the tiny details of the hand. That wrinkly skin on the knuckles and lines of the palms... While utterly mesmerizing, are the single most complicated things I've ever seen.
          Feet bones? Compared to the rest of the body, they're up there on difficulty but put against hands??? Nightmare. I'm running out of space here but I plan on writing a rant chapter in Pokedragon's Randomness if you want to see me ramble about my feelings on hands + art or something, heh


@Pokedragon7 take it however you want lmao 
            ur kinda cool anyways lmao


@OfficalGarcelloSImp lol do I take that as a compliment?? Like X,D


Greetings, everyone! I've noticed that my corner of the internet has been quiet recently. See, I don't have social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, etc. I don't see the point in keeping up accounts that I'll never use for much.
          So the only places I frequent are this one and Ao3. And both of those have been pretty quiet lately. It's not that I'm concerned, it's just that I'm kinda concerned. Is everyone okay? It's a little lonely, all these empty notifications, just watching the hours tick by.
          So here's me reaching out to you, asking how you're doing. What's going on with y'all?
          Not much with me. Just waiting for things to happen. Binging the Ace Attorney Trilogy on YouTube. Nothing big


Edit: I guess I have a Tumblr so