Make sure the results for each entry are turned in by TONIGHT, judges. Not all entries were turned in, so refer to the reading list (Contest #2 Round #1) for all of them. @AllHailRempire@VanillaWind@Dragons_Rose
Is this account even active? The round of the latest contest supposedly ended last month. I would love to take part in a competition, but only if the competition will actually be happening.
Make sure the results for each entry are turned in by TONIGHT, judges. Not all entries were turned in, so refer to the reading list (Contest #2 Round #1) for all of them. @AllHailRempire@VanillaWind@Dragons_Rose
Friendly reminder to our judges that there are two days left for you to finish reading and judging all one-shots. Check our reading list (Contest #2 Round #1) for all entries that we've been notified about. @VanillaWind@AllHailRempire@Dragons_Rose
On a side note, if you are a contestant who has created your entry but it isn't listed there, please PM us immediately.
Thank you for notifying us. From now on, we'd prefer if you PM us the link, however, so that we can find it more easily and prevent this from happening again.