Hey guys! I'm sorry I'm never on anymore, but I've been backed up on a lot of stuff recently. I am not doing The Story of Mewtwo: Another View. However, since I've been recently into the competitive Smash 4 community, I will be publishing a guide for any newcomers wanting to be part of the community as well. This guide will start working as soon as I am done with Pokemon: The Story of Magnus. Also, to not waste time, there will be no other parts to the story unless I get enough complaints to continue. Lastly, I cannot stress this enough, but ANY Pokemon stories I've already made were pre-Kalos, meaning no regard to the Fairy typing (although now I've played Pokemon X and have a full sense of that typing). Please stay tuned, and I'll try to post the last two parts to Pokemon: The Story of Magnus sooner as opposed to later. Thanks for your patience guys!