
Me to my mom : Sometimes I think I aint ur real daughter....Did u adopt me from somewhere? Or find me in the road?
          Mom : If I had adopted u... I'd adopt a better one...not a damaged one like u-
          Me : Mom give me a glass of water
          Mom : Come to the kitchen and take it
          Me : Mom...pwease!
          Mom : come and take or else I'll slap u
          Me : okay...When u'll come to slap me...come with a glass of water..
          After marriage
          When I woke up at 1 pm
          Mother in law : Why cant u woke up fast in the morning?
          Me : I slept at 3 am yesterday
          Mother in law : Why did u sleep at that late
          Me : I thought u wanted a grand child?
          Going to the washroom without phone
           Feels like going to the office without important files


After doing mbbs online- 
          Doctor : Dont be scared Anna... It's just a simple surgery 
          Patient : but my name is not Anna
          Doctor : I know....My name's Anna
          Mr.kimkook has learned 'My friend ' paragraph..but found 'My wife' paragraph in the question paper 
          So he wrote 'wife' in place of 'friend'
          My wife
          I'm very wifely..I've lots of wives.. I love all of my wives...some of my wife are male and some are female...My parents are also my wife..My grandparents are like my wife too...My best wife is my neighbour's son...He is a very good wife...I love all of my wife...Everyone should have a lot of wives too....


If a guy can leave another girl for u, dont think he love u so much-
          He can leave u for another girl too...
          I am way too much perfect..
          If u dont think soo -
          Then u should go and check ur eyes, or ur ears..
          I can cook, its my quality -
          U cant eat, its ur fault...
          Everyone likes a savage girl who speak the truth..
          Until she speaks against them..
          I'm still single...
          Because no one has born with the ability too get me..
          I am a pretty sweet girl
          Until I open my mouth...


@JeonTae_kimkook   my sister also enjoyed ur jokes 
            . Thnk u dear ✨


He : I love u to the moon and back
          She : Ur love's quantity is too much and quality is too less...
          I am calling the police...
          Cause my neighbour 'Uncle' tell his wife at 3 am, "Baby, I wanna kill u!"
          I still dont understand why people have to go to north-east, west-south at a time in physics?
          Other teen girls : while working out look at me, I'm so sexy...
          Me : while sleeping trust me I aint lazy at all...It's just that my bed loves me...
          Me *trying to study*
          My phone... *Oh baby, Come, come, come to me!"


Bro are u teaching me whats risk?
          I use phone even with 1% charge.
          People learn from Mistakes..
          But I got enthusiasm from mistake and start doing them once again
          I cant live without u..
          But dont worry if u leave me I'll find someone better than u in no time...
          Everyone's character is good
          Until someone caught them...


I'm very sad today...
          Wanna know why?
          There was my neighbour,
          Their love story was soo sweet... They met with each other at *Dhaka University* and fell in love... Their parents agreed and  they married...
          Then they got a scholarship together and went to live together at France..
          Their son got hurt in his head when he was coming out from his mother belly...
          And has some problem in head...
          In a hope that their son will be okay they came back to Bangladesh... 
          But nothing changed...Their son was known to the society as Autistic...  
          But they loved him very much...
          For him They wouldn’t go out much...
          Even if their son throw things... They would say them laughing...
          They would sent him to different schools...
          But the son died like 2 year ago! These parents were broken...Though their son has nothing to give them...he owned their heart...
          His father would go to pray for him at every Friday with his mother..
          He would console her even though he felt like crying...
          They still had each other..
          But two month ago...Her husband died...
          And she is now left alone..
          She is like 55 year old now...She has money...she has almost everything... But has none with whom she can share them...She has none to talk to...


My mom : Stop watching phone...When u die will u be able to take phone with u?
          Me : mom..I cant take my studies with me either...
          Reality teach me a lot of things
          But the problem is I cant remember them..
          Teacher : School is not a place to sleep
          Student : Then home is not a place to study either...


@JeonTae_kimkook thnk u so much.... It means alot... Bcz i feel alone at night bcz i miss my frnd the most at that tym, specially our late night talks, 


@JeonTae_kimkook lets be friends...
            Whenever u r sad...U can blabber anything to me...
            I'll try to cheer u up by giving u this jokes...every night! 