
Hggjjshsid is anyone online? I want to vent about something  to someone in pms 
          	If it's okay with you 


@dont_mind_me_123 oh, thanks for correcting me


@Blitzant she actually died of Corona virus...because she had cystic fibrosis as well 


@Splish_SplashDuck i found out before you responded, but yea. I send love to her family and friends ❤️❤️


Hej! Lubisz może anime? Albo tak konkretniej, fanfiki z mha/bnha? Mam idealną książkę dla ciebie! Fanfik  "Wyjątkowe" opowiada o 2 dziewczynach, Keiko i Nezuko, które nie mają mocy, jednak pod wpływem jednego potwora, obudziły się w nich moce. Keiko Himura jest córką Endevadora o której on nie chce (do czasu) nawet słyszeć. Nezuko Midoriya to znienawidzona córka Inko Midoriyi. Jedna jest bliźniaczką Shoto, a druga Izuku. W książce pojawiają się: tajemniczy shiperzy, najbardziej znane i lubiane shipy z mha, oraz wiele więcej. Bardzo proszę, jeśli interesuje cię to, to zapraszam do przeczytania ♥️ 


You deserved to be here for Christmas ❤️


I occasionally remember you I can’t believe it’s been 2 years…
            I suppose we’re all marching towards the inevitable I’m not sure if there’s a heaven or afterlife but I’d want there to be one for you. It’s the very least you deserve 


Just remembered you...
          Thank you for being my friend/mutual and for interacting with my profile so often. left the countryhumans fandom almost a year ago now but I still reminisce on the great people I met- yourself included. I had to come and pay my respects...
          I hope wherever you are is filled with beautiful Polish girls and you have the highest of luxuries without an ounce of pain, woe or regret. 
          - your old friend Morgan/Koroleva 


 Our old messages make my heart ache 
            14 year old me was really something huh?
            But you were so sweet and cute
            If it makes you feel any better people with cystic fibrosis’s life expectancy is increasing all the time. Someone with CF can now live into their 40s even older. One day this disease will be crushed and I can’t wait to tell you about it when I kick the bucket. 
            COVID is still here, yours truly got it twice. We have vaccines now however, one day we’ll be rid of it. But I truly think of you every time I hear about covid death rates. It must have been so painful and you were so young, but now that’s gone forever and ever.
            And Dani well (sorry to be that guy) but I may have stolen her for a couple months, whoops. I promise I took great care of them we both moved to Instagram. They helped me pick up art, I helped them explore gender. They’re rarely active but I do still see them from time to time. They’re nearly 18 now I think, I haven’t a clue what they’re doing but I’m sure it’s great! 
            That’s all from me ig Polska (say hi to my hamster for me, you were a beloved cult member) ❤️