Our old messages make my heart ache
14 year old me was really something huh?
But you were so sweet and cute
If it makes you feel any better people with cystic fibrosis’s life expectancy is increasing all the time. Someone with CF can now live into their 40s even older. One day this disease will be crushed and I can’t wait to tell you about it when I kick the bucket.
COVID is still here, yours truly got it twice. We have vaccines now however, one day we’ll be rid of it. But I truly think of you every time I hear about covid death rates. It must have been so painful and you were so young, but now that’s gone forever and ever.
And Dani well (sorry to be that guy) but I may have stolen her for a couple months, whoops. I promise I took great care of them we both moved to Instagram. They helped me pick up art, I helped them explore gender. They’re rarely active but I do still see them from time to time. They’re nearly 18 now I think, I haven’t a clue what they’re doing but I’m sure it’s great!
That’s all from me ig Polska (say hi to my hamster for me, you were a beloved cult member) ❤️