Hey, all you Neptune lovers... I just wanted to let you know that THE NEPTUNE PROMISE is now available at Amazon. I have the first five chapters posted on my website at: www.pollyholyoke.com. I hope you like this conclusion to my Neptune Trilogy!
@PollyHolyoke Wow that's so cool! I met you a couple years ago at a half price books when you published the Challenge, and I have been waiting for a third book to come!! So excited! Tobin is the best character...
I’m a huge fan and have loved these books since 3rd grade.
So since your the author is it NerexDai or NerexTobin
I’ve always been confused to which one it is???
Omg! I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your series. I’m so glad your on Wattpad. I’ve read all your 3 books and I’m hoping you write more. It’s hard to portray how much I love the Neptune Series. :)
Hey, all you Neptune lovers... I just wanted to let you know that THE NEPTUNE PROMISE is now available at Amazon. I have the first five chapters posted on my website at: www.pollyholyoke.com. I hope you like this conclusion to my Neptune Trilogy!
@PollyHolyoke Wow that's so cool! I met you a couple years ago at a half price books when you published the Challenge, and I have been waiting for a third book to come!! So excited! Tobin is the best character...
@PollyHolyoke this means so much to me I have been waiting for so long I cannot wait to reas your storybook XD . I am extremely curious about Dai and Nere, I hope they get together officiallyyyyy X3 X3 X3
Hi Carrie, yep, I am the author of THE NEPTUNE PROJECT, and I just posted the first chapter of THE NEPTUNE PROMISE which I hope to be releasing in November. Thank you for your kind words about my stories. I sure have fun writing them!
Are you actually the author of The Neptune Project???!!!! Cuz if u are, thank you so much!!!!! I love love love love love that book!!!!' It's like , the best book in the world!!
Really that's so cool I've been obsessed with all your books since I was in 4th grade. I can't wait for the third one which I will be sure to get. Good luck with the rest of your writing and it was nice talking to you.