@Horikemo @Simp__Chan @HidenSeeker_
Hello everyone! Hope everyone have time reading this, even if there is no need to reply. Or, it is fine to just ignore it. This is just a recent random experience of tidbits of my life sharing, so it is not important to put your utmost focus on. Still feel free to read, and you might just chuckle at the end.
Just want to share this fun experience, and I hope everyone is fine with it.
This New Year's 2nd January, I finally got to bowl for real!
Friendly competition with my two siblings and their one friend.
Got two 0 points at my first and second round.
Quite unlucky, but I wasn't feeling the right ball to roll with me and lack the warm up rolls including the fact I am a fresh new beginner.
After listening to my older little sibling advices about bowling bowl weight difference based off their number.
Once I got the right ball, and started feeling the hang of it, everything just clicks, and slowly I am catching up.
I may not won first place, but I sure am content to win third place under my older little sibling!
Even if it's an unbelievable coincidence... I think third place is fine, if you have the total score of "69".
*Tongue clicks* Noice~! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That was a fun first bowling experience.