Guys, I've been inactive on Wattpad for a couple of weeks now, and I really regret it. The reason why I regret it is because one of my goals in life is to make people happy and that they matter, and I was just reading one of my best friend's book on here, and she was writing really sad things, and I feel like it was my fault that she was down so much because I wasn't there to cheer her up. I don't know if she's reading this because she said she was leaving Wattpad (I'm going to miss you!) and I don't know if she left already, but if she is, I just want you to know that I'm sorry I wasn't here for you, and that you are an amazing person and don't you ever forget that!!! If anybody else is reading this too, what I just said applies to you too! Everyone of you are amazing people and if you ever need to talk, I will be that person for you! So, if you're still reading, keep everything I said in mind when you're having a really tough day!