Hello to the people who enjoyed my Megamind fanfiction "Even Heroes Need Saved". After a bit of thinking and seeing how my Megamind fanfiction got the most comments out of all my fanfictions and even request for a sequel, I'm thinking of making a sequel!
However, there is a bit of a snag. There is a lot of plot holes and some wonky writing in the original fanfic so I will be making a reboot of that fanfiction. Now before you start panicking, everything will MOSTLY remain the same. There will be slight changes but the majority of it will be kept. Here is what will change without spoiling too much.
1: Roxanne's Black Viper suit will be scrapped as it was kind of forgotten during the last bits of the story.
2: The prologue and Chapter 1 will be past tense. Chapter two and onwards will be two years later.
3: Megamind and Roxanne will already be married and since Megamind has no surname, he will take Roxannes surname as his own.
4: Tighten will be Blue Tighten as it will reference the Megamind video game where Tighten gets Metro Man and Megaminds DNA.
5: Instead of just outright torture, Blue Tighten will force Megamind through games similiar to the plot of Squid games but none of the games in Squid games will be used.
6: You will know Johns fate.
7: There will be more characters.
This is all I will say for now. Wish me luck and I hope you will all enjoy the reboot when I comes out.