this message may be offensive
I doubt anyone will see this, but I can’t tell this to my family, friends, or online friends. And none of them will find this! So I’m aroace (autocorrect changed it to ‘a roach’ lol) and my friends all know, my family tends to either forget or ignore, especially my mom. One of my friends has a crush, who has a crush on him. The only reason they aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend is because she isn’t into dating and shit, I’m almost certain she’s on the aroace spectrum. He got a concussion in PE on Friday though, and yesterday I went to visit him. I tried bringing two friends but one’s parents wouldn’t let her go and the other wasn’t home. So I went alone, and played video games with him for four hours. When I realized it was getting late and I didn’t want to get in trouble I got up to leave (in the middle of a game) and hugged him goodbye. The problem is that when I hugged him he picked me up (hands on butt and legs) and sat me in his lap! His brother started chanting that he had a girlfriend, referring to me. What’s annoying is that I like to mess with people by flirting, I didn’t think he of all people would do it to me. I’m fact, I only flirt with the friend who wasn’t home, and I know their boyfriend. Either way I wanted to rant somewhere where I won’t be told either he likes me or told I was nonconsensually touched or something like that. Now I’m thinking that I’ll mess with him at school, but I don’t want to do it in front of his crush and a lot of people already think I’m dating him or our other friend. And I don’t want to do it on Valentines Day because I will be buying 5 of my friends, including him, brownies. I would rather keep The Day of Love as platonic love from me.

Oh it went quite well. He likes to pretend it never happened so I get to annoy him with it whenever just by a simple reminder. He moved away and occasionally we'll talk to each other on Discord. He's dealing with some sorta love square and I'm questioning my sexuality because I actually have romantic feelings for someone. He's been giving me advice despite not having successful relationships, and I go to him to vent about how I have to sit next to my crush, how my crush talked to me after school, how he's constantly on my mind, and most recently how somebody told my crush I liked him, I proceeded to ignore my crush after he let me know, and then I hit him in the eye with a water balloon on accident, and I apologized to him for everything today and I'm more confused than ever lol!

@ PooperlooperthePanda man, idk how to help you, wish i knew. I hope it went well tho