Update about me! Sorry I haven't been active much (like at all). I fell off of reading Wattpad for a while, and so haven't been checking any notifications as much. My Sexuality/Gender has changed again, so allow me to come out to you all for the umpteenth time: Hello! My name is Milo! I am genderfluid and omnisexual! Genderfluid is described as being able to fluctuate between genders or no gender at any given moment! Omnisexual is defined as having the ability to love any and all genders, but having a preference, which can change at any given time! You may use any pronouns for me, I really don't mind. A little bit of sadder news though. Last year in November, my big brother passed away. His name was Kaleb, and he meant so much to me. Feel free to ask me questions about anything, even Kaleb. Just please don't ask about how he passed or the funeral. Stuff like childhood stories is fine, though! I also had a question in regards to my Deceit story: I've looked it over, and I don't like that story anymore. But I know a lot of you do. Would you like me to keep it up, or do you care if I take it down? Please, let me know! Feel free to ask any questions!! Love y'all!!!

@Full-blown-Simp well, Kaleb was 4 years older than me (he would have been 19 in january), so he was the stereotypical big brother. He tought me how to fight and tie my shoes, and wasn't scared to threaten people that made fun of me. He was always encouraging of stuff that made us happy, but wasn't afraid to mess with us. One Christmas, me and my sister got Nerf Rebelle bows (google it). He said he doubted they would hurt, so my dad shot him with it. It was hilarious. But, when he hit 16, me moved out. Started making bad decisions. Somehow, though, whenever we saw him, he was always the big brother he knew he needed to be. And thank you for saying he's still with me, I do believe that. I've been having weird things happen to me lately, stuff you can technically explain off, but I do believe it's his looking out for me. I appreciate it❤<3

But please tell me (if you feel comfortable) how was Kaleb... Like a person? How close where you too? I put my hand in fire that he was looking out for you and still is <3

@Full-blown-Simp feel free to say anything... I know it's hard to have someone you loved pass away... My grandpa died the easter before but we weren't so close because he lived in another country and we couldn't go there often, also we don't speak the same language and it's hard to understand... I am blaming my self for not spending as much time as i could... But anyway!