Elizabeth and Kendra here. We are twins with an active imagination. Currently working on some books but you know me being me I lost all of our book ideas that were written on a piece of paper so we gotta start fresh. Any who, I think we also might be doing our own things like writing our own books, so that may happen. Here are something's about us.

•We love to read (Duhh)
•I am obsessed with Batman - Elizabeth
•I am obsessed with Supernatural -Kendra
•We both love the Paranormal
•I am morbid and proud of it- Elizabeth
•Love Magcon -Kendra
•Hate Magcon - Elizabeth
•Huge Steelers fan, number 86 all the way -Elizabeth
•We both love Lacrosse

SO far we are on chapter 7 of our Magcon Dream but I don't think that it will ever be published because we were working on that in the summer and haven't touched it in months. Also their is swearing and it is just not put together like an eye-catching book would be. We may do a vampire book because Kendra and I just finished Bleeding Royalty which was FREAKING AMAZBALLS and are now waiting for Revamped to come out. OH, and predict a book of all of our favorite books on here. And don't worry it will be a lot since we read a lot.
Also tips on some character names would be a amazing, and you would be amazing-er.
Love, Lizzieboo, and Kenny the Cabbage.
  • In the Batcave in Hawaii
  • JoinedJune 24, 2014
