
having trouble with covers is any body else experiencing this


(gosh, I'm kinda late to this party, sorry -_-") I wasn't hating. Maybe I was a little ticked. But aren't we all able to express our different views? You see, at the time I was a real big Marvel fan and seeing how little of effort your little brother put into the his book did tick me off.  There is no need for such fierce words.  But I'll have you know. I did have a book with almost 1000 reads, but Wattpad glitched up and erased that all *fighting back tears*  But that was the past. Yes, my actions were a bit heartless. Which I'm sorry for. But he is a nine year old. So technically, he is still too young to be a member. Nevertheless, the internet is a quite ruthless place. Overall, I am sorry you were offended. @XxSquidHeadsxX @Alikatt