UPDATE: Hi! This is Poppie 12! I lost access to this account back in 2015 when I left... I was getting threats from kids online over putting their OC into my fanfics. They found all my social media, as well as my siblings and it was terrifying when I was kid. I’m sorry if you guys read my work, looking back they’re defiantly... something. And my bio is in some kind of state. I was an edgy lil kid, turns out I still hate blood. And horror. And gore and couldn’t hurt a fly.
I’m actually turning 20 soon and only just remembered this account existed! Thank you to everyone’s kind comments, you’re all very sweet, and reading them really makes me happy!
If I could delete this account I would. As much as your comments make me happy, the memories of this account bring me internal dread that someone’s gonna find this thing so let’s hope right?
Thank you, and even after all these years I still love you all x