
It's crazy tgat still get followers even when I have a low presence on here.
          	Thank you to all of my followers, new and old!


I spy with my glasses eyes


            Sweet dreams/Have a good day!


Well have a good day/night


Hey guys... I'm alive...
          I've been gone for a good long while and I'm kinda sorry for that. It's been rough. I've been having very bad thoughts and very awful break downs so... That's why I've been away for so long. I don't know if I'll ever start writing again but... I'll be on Wattpad every now and then.
          I just thought that you guys should know.


@GuessIllDieNow Thank you, I'm sure it'll get better. One way or another.


@Killua210 I appreciate the support :'3


This new Wattpad look is bothering my eyes...
          ; _ ;
          Why is this happening???
          It's this intense orangey red color.
          It's like looking at a really bright fire.
          My eyes buuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrn!!!


            Wattpad just keeps getting worse
            ; _ ;


@ise7H47K1Desi I know right in had to lower my brightness on my screen 


"Pick up the phone.
          You said it yourself- you're scared of being alone.
          You're scared of being alone.
          You can crack the code.
          I hope you're ready.
          You said it yourself that you would never stop.
          You pack your bags.
          The party's such a drag.
          Everyone can tell that you're poisoning the well.
          There are no mistakes.
          You need to know your place.
          Nobody move.
          I was sent to warn you.
          The devil's in the next room.
          What now?
          The devil's right beside you."


"See you later," that's what they say. It's almost taunting...
          They say: "You're so fun to be around, I hope you come back soon." It almost sounds genuine.
          I'm not saying I don't trust their words, I'm simply saying: I don't trust people in general.
          I want to let you know who I am. I want you to feel my happiness bursting at the seams and to get infected with my high energy levels.
          You are so beautiful, amazing, precious, lovable, likeable, kind, great and blessed in all the right places in your personality. You probably don't trust me, and that's perfectly fine.
          Just know.
          You're great.
          You're amazing.
          You're worth it.


Good for you, you fooled everybody.
          Leave your weapon on the table.
          Take a shot of liquid courage.
          My monsters are real, and they're trained how to kill.
          There's no coming back.
          If I get trapped, I'll never heal.
          Call a doctor, send a prayer.
          Leave a light on if you're able.
          We both know you're unstable.


            I love this song, tho.