
@vangoghsmermaid thanks, hope you enjoyed it! :)


I also read "The Inn on Ravenna Road" on Fiction Press years ago.  I didn't put two and two together until I read your author's note in "Both Sides Now", which is a Brilliant book also!!! I'm so glad I found you on Wattpad congratulations on the on publication on TIORR!! Amazing story! I can't wait to read more of your stories.


Thank you so much for all your kind words! I'm glad you liked Both Sides Now. I have always had a soft spot for it too, even though it was an early not as polished work. Thanks for reading!! :)


Aw, thank you so much! I really appreciate that and the fact that it stuck with you. I love books like that. I read a book a few weeks ago that I can't get out of my brain either. Anyway, thanks so much for the note. It would mean the world to me if you'd take the time to leave me a review on Amazon. It doesn't even have to be good, lol. But some stars are better than none when considering the ranking. It sounds so ridiculous to ask, but I gotta start somewhere. :)


Hey just finished reading  both sides now and thought it was really good. You are an amazing writer and I am a big fan. I look forward to reading more from you.


Thank you!!! I am working on something actually  now. I decided that i needed to be at least 3/4ths of the way done with it before I start posting so I can be sure I stay true to the theme and characters (as I think writing piece meal like I normally do does not convey).


@crissyam Hi, thanks for your note! I'm flattered. :) Unfortunately I barely have time to write, let alone read, but I have a few marked as my faves on FP that you might enjoy. As hypocritical as this might sound, while I love writing on WP and FP, I prefer to read non-self published fiction.


Hi! I really love your writing, and haven't found anything like it on WattPad or Fiction Press. (I'm pretty picky.) Could you recommend some favorite authors or stories on either site?
          Thanks! And keep on writing!