Larry Fans-
My story is lost on my laptop and its not backed up, so as I decide whether to keep going or delete it, ill be writing a new story along with my Gemma story. (: .xx
Larry Fans-
My story is lost on my laptop and its not backed up, so as I decide whether to keep going or delete it, ill be writing a new story along with my Gemma story. (: .xx
You are FREAKING AMAZING! I love it when people just pour their emotions into the story :) It takes a person to write, but it takes an AWESOME person to write well ;)
Russo!!! hmmmm must do investigation to see if he REALLY is a wizard. i'll be watching the wizards, but here me ninjas will rule one day my friend one day or maybe Jedis??? possible, ahhhh i love star wars!!!
:'( it cant be true my sensei told me we would rule!! plus i just had a weird convo with a stranger i thought was my cousin the dude got his friend on me low bro low. *shakes head*