@PorcelainSoldier Of course. I hope you believe every word I say, though even if you dont, find it in your heart to know it's true. What you have been through, I have never known a person to been through something so hard and keep pushing. Thats what makes you strong. You keep pushing. You don't stop. Don't stop. You can make it. If you were ment to die, you would be dead by now. I promise you can make it out. And your heart might be splitting, being torn apart, but maybe I can help mend it? I've been through a lot, still going through it, but nothing near as bad as you. And that's why I'm not nearly as strong as you. You're doing so well, I know it seems nothing is going right, no one sees you, no one notices you trying so hard, you struggling. You think why is there a reason to keep pushing, right? Please, trust me, there is. Keep going. Hearing what you have and are going through, and hearing that you haven't given up, makes me so happy. Like almost in tears happy. I hear every day how people give up. I hear people who were once my friends, people I tried to help, now turned to drugs and alcohol and illegal crap to try and feel better. People like us, and I use us loosely, are vulnerable. We care so much, we're silent, and not many people see us. This may not apply to you as much me, but I suffer in silence. No one notices my pain because I always make it seem less than others. I put others first. When I see others suffering, others in pain, or others just needing a pick me up, but are too embarrassed to say anything, I can't help but reach out. I know what it feels like. I won't bee understand your struggle, because I haven't been through it, but I understand being helpless, being stranded, being left. Feeling so lonely all you want to do is find the nearest person, give them a hug and never let go.