
Hey y'all!
          	Just wanted to post you guys a heads-up that I'm in the process of creating another book. It's fantasy and involves Irish myth and lore. And some pretty hot guys, if I do say so myself. And girls. So, if you happen to be into any of those things, this book's practically made for you!


Hi! Thank you for voting for chapter twenty of my story, Sisters!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.


@no_hullabaloo I finished it asap :) And i LOVED it! your characters were so realistic! ♥ I'm so happy i found your books


Thanks for the follow! If ever you get the urge to visit ancient Rome, my irreverent take on the life of one of its more scandal-prone aristocrats might entertain you. Drop by and visit any time...
          Happy reading, and welcome to Wattpad!


@Porcini  My love of all things Roman began WAY back when, in the dark ages ... :)) No, seriously, I discovered the world of Rome back in high school Latin class. Yes, Latin was compulsory in my day (my hubby had to take both Latin and Greek!). While I can barely remember any actual Latin, my teacher recommended some good historical fiction writers who brought the ancient world to life in a way no dull textbook managed.
            I've read about the Greek, Egyptian and Roman world as a pastime all my life, more non-fiction than fiction actually. It's handy to have a reference library at home to consult, though I use the Internet too on occasion (love the massive quantity of easily searchable images).
            Depending what you enjoy reading, I can probably recommend some wonderful published writers for the era that interests you. You mentioned mythology--I've got a few authors who wove their stories around the ancient gods (had them actually appear in the story, I mean). Let me know if you'd like the names.


@Cinilla Awww thank you so much! Might I say, I LOVE your name!!
            I shall be reading it ASAP: It's on my must-read list :)
            I love Ancient Rome and Grecian mythology; how did you get interested in it?


@acatnamednickcarter Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! :D That's really sweet of you. After reading your really thought-out and thought provoking comment on Espresso Love, I knew I had to follow you. B(Rash) Princess is probably my closest-to-the-heart novel, for lack of a better term. Gee, I really hope you'll like it! As of now I'll be on break, thinking up new ways the story can go, etc. And of course for my tests (AP exams coming up, woop!)