@Porcini My love of all things Roman began WAY back when, in the dark ages ... :)) No, seriously, I discovered the world of Rome back in high school Latin class. Yes, Latin was compulsory in my day (my hubby had to take both Latin and Greek!). While I can barely remember any actual Latin, my teacher recommended some good historical fiction writers who brought the ancient world to life in a way no dull textbook managed.
I've read about the Greek, Egyptian and Roman world as a pastime all my life, more non-fiction than fiction actually. It's handy to have a reference library at home to consult, though I use the Internet too on occasion (love the massive quantity of easily searchable images).
Depending what you enjoy reading, I can probably recommend some wonderful published writers for the era that interests you. You mentioned mythology--I've got a few authors who wove their stories around the ancient gods (had them actually appear in the story, I mean). Let me know if you'd like the names.